...because we couldn't cut scenes, the thought of having physical cuts seemed more interesting. Because of where we were(apartment block) the elevator doors seemed to act as perfect physical cuts between the different floors. Elevators go either up or down and we all tried to capture that in a narrative sense. Someone suggested relationships and the different levels in which you engage with the person your in a relationship with;
At the start of a relationship (first contact) things are good, laughing, flirting, intimacy etc.
The middle part of a relationship it could have turned abit sour so maybe there are arguments, fighting, trust issues etc.
The last part of any relationship is sad for one or the other, crying, begging, guilt etc.
a man would get into a lift and go down to the ground floor. He would encounter three characters each displaying a level of engagement with his or her partner.
Man in lift - Steven Bailey - 'Impatient operator' - Tense, fidgety, sighs allot, interaction between characters.
1st floor - Laurel Plain-Jones - 'First contact with partner' - Happy, laughing, arranging to meet up again, compliments.
2nd floor - Troy Browne - 'Middle part-Argument' - Angry, shouting/cursing, threatening.
3rd floor - Jacqui Pickup - 'Last part-Breakup' - Crying, debating breaking up.
Camera - Realexis Christofides - Shoot limited space, don't move camera.
Filming was an issue as a caretaker was doing his rounds when we were filming, so on a couple of occasions we were interrupted by vacuuming. Our 'performances' wasn't too bad however the time in between floors was too long and not much was going on. We were interrupted again at the bottom by a guy waiting for the lift, which highlights the importance of having control over a set.
To be honest... not really. I don't think the characters expressed enough, the level of engagement with their partner. In all not enough was happening. The physical cuts was the best input however if we'd utilised this further I think the outcome would have been more interesting. A way we could have done this would to have had each floor make a significant impact, by possibly having more than one person on each floor... maybe a crowd of people all at the same levels of engagement with their partner IE; first floor, doors open and 20 people are there, all flirting, laughing and joking with their soon-to-be.
I feel that this project to be quite 'closed' due to the short time frame in which we had to work with and minimal allowance on camera movement. Allot of our ideas were shot back to suit the requirements.
I haven't finished thinking of new concepts for this brief and intend to work on my own over Christmas.